lördag 28 maj 2016

Teenager Acne

Acne in Teenagers

Acne vulgaris also called pimples is a skin disease that affects the face, back and chest. During adolescence most boys and girls suffer from pimples. Acne is thought to be caused by a multiplicity of factors, male hormones (testosterone) is thought to play a leading role by stimulating sebum production. The increased sebum clogs hair follicles which swell causing a bump. Other noxious substances can access the sebum causing inflammation. The swellings are classified into whiteheads (have oil) and blackheads (have keratin). Though there are myths that heredity, certain foods, stress and dirt cause acne, there is no proof to this. Pimples on the face makes it look unpreventable with all the swellings, the blackheads may make somebody look like he or she is not practicing good hygiene and lesions with pus may make one look sick. These factors make teenagers who struggle with acne feel uncomfortable in their skin.

During the teenage years, often, what someone's friends think about them really matters. A teenager may not want to look bad, weak or with blemish in front of other teenagers. This results in extra sensitivity that makes acne a psychological nightmare in teenagers. Teenagers who struggle with acne may suffer from a poor self esteem. In their eyes they do not look good enough. The blemish on their face makes them feel as though they are to blame about it especially when they compare themselves with friends without acne. This may take an emotional toll that manifests in lack of self confidence and even self isolation. Boys with acne on the body have been noted to be very shy about exposing their acne inflicted bodies before other colleagues. This can result in withdrawal from activities such as swimming. Some teenagers may get so ashamed of their acne that they refuse to attend school. This affects an individual's academic performance therefore damaging their prospects of getting gainful employment in future.

In alot of cases, severe acne especially on the face attracts taunts from other teenagers. This makes the individual edgy about their condition causing them to withdraw from friendships. Relationships with the opposite sex can particularly be difficult as the individual with acne feels that they will not be appreciated. This negatively affects a teenagers socialization at a time they are starting to learn how to relate with the opposite sex, resulting in a life term social dysfunctions.

Often times, the emotional distress from acne culminates in a clinical depressive illness. These can result in a teenager having suicidal tendencies and some suicides have their root cause as acne. Depression in these teenagers may also manifest as social withdrawal and worsening of school performance. Acne can also cause other mental illnesses like anxiety disorders and phobias which can greatly affect an individuals functionality.

Acne may also cause disturbances in an individual's personality. Teenagers who struggle with acne can get trait anger which refers to a situation whereby an individual is unusually predisposed to getting feelings of anger. Anger can cause an individual to act in an irrational manner that affects their quality of life. Acne has also been associated with social sensitivity and poor social outcomes.


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